
One Simple Wish Interview


As part of our community efforts, we at Fortified Roofing, a local roofer from Levittown, NJ, have decided to feature local non-profit organizations and their impact on our community. Their contribution to our community is of great importance, and they are necessary for the community’s growth and harmony.

One of the noblest actions is helping children who are deprived in any way. By their very nature, they are very vulnerable and can not take care of themselves without the help of adults. One Simple Wish is an online platform which gives you the ability to buy presents for children in need to make their little wishes come true. Take a look at the following interview, and consider participating and bringing joy to a little one!


To begin with, we would like you to briefly tell us about your organization.

One Simple Wish is an awesome online platform that allows you to choose simple wishes to grant made by children who have been impacted by abuse, neglect, and trauma.

1. What do you do exactly and what was the reason that encouraged you to start this organization?

One Simple Wish started in 2008 after I became a foster-adoption parent and saw firsthand just how heartbreaking and difficult it was for kids in the foster care system. I knew so many people – friends, family, and coworkers who wanted to help too but they didn’t know how. Many people didn’t want to be foster parents or adopt but they wanted to do something. I also saw that kids in foster care were missing out on a lot of things that their peers get to do – school activities and holiday celebrations and that perfect pair of new sneakers. I wanted to give some of that joy back to kids who were missing it.

2. What motivates you?

Kids. My kids. Your kids. All kids. Children have no agendas. They are not biased or jaded. They are just opportunities. Hope. Joy. I want every one of them to get to realize their full potential. For most of us we had people supporting us along the way; shaping who we are and the lives we would go on to create. I want every kid to get that shot. I want every kid to know they matter and that they should always let their voice be heard.



3. Tell us about your goals

I want One Simple Wish to be a household name so that every child’s wish can be granted as soon as we receive it!

4. What was the hardest/toughest moment you had to deal with?

Obstacles you faced when dealing with bureaucracy, permits, funding, etc. Something you would like to point out to anyone who might be starting their own organization.

It’s never easy to start a business – let alone a nonprofit, in a recession. It was tough just to get off the ground because a lot of people told me One Simple Wish wouldn’t ever be anything. But a lot more people encouraged me so I leaned on them. When you believe in something with your whole heart, you just have to keep doing the work!

5. What was the most fulfilling moment that happened to you?

Becoming a mom. Even though I’ve met tons of celebrities and been on TV a bunch of times the best thing that I have ever done is become Mia and Lily’s mom. They have made me the person I am today and continue to inspire me to be the best person I can every day.



6. What separates you from the rest? Why you?

I am relentless. I won’t ever give up. And I’d like to think I’m a lot funnier and crazier than most – in a good way.

7. Do you have any upcoming events in the forthcoming months?

The holidays are a very, very busy time for One Simple Wish. We’ll be hosting 6 Wish Parties for the holidays – 1 in PA, 3 in NJ, 1 in NY and 1 in LA. For more people can email us at info@onesimplewish.org. We always need volunteers!

8. What is it that you love most about what you do?

Knowing that I am making a difference every single day in a child’s life. Nothing beats that.

9. What is the biggest challenge you’re faced with today?

Raising money! It costs a lot to keep growing your business – whether it is a nonprofit or a for profit. People heavily scrutinize how a nonprofit spends its money and are pretty disinterested or unaware of how for-profits do. It’s an interesting thing. So we need more people to support us so we can keep growing and reaching more kids.



10. Anything else you would like to add?

Go grant a wish! onesimplewish.org and tell all your friends.

Contact: How can people reach out to you?



Thank you for reading this short interview from Fortified Roofing, your top local roofer.