Roof Replacement Insurance Claims

A year later, thousands of people on the East Coast are still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Like many homes in the area, yours may have incurred damage due to the terrible storm. Roofs are especially susceptible to wind damage, so yours may be showing signs of Sandy’s wrath, including missing shingles and blistering, all these months later. If you’ve held off on having anything done about it due to concerns about how expensive it will be, you need to contact Fortified Roofing. In addition to being a skilled and dependable Cherry Hill roofing contractor, we can help you determine whether your insurance policy will cover the cost to replace your roof.

Many people don’t even notice wind damage to their roofs right away. Sometimes, the damage is located in areas that aren’t easy to see from ground level. A few missing shingles can signify much greater damage, and the structural integrity of the entire roof could very well be compromised. This isn’t the kind of thing you want to leave to chance. It’s very likely that Hurricane Sandy damaged your roof to the point that it’s no longer safe, and replacing it is the way to go.

It’s natural to be concerned about the cost of replacing an entire roof.

The roofing experts at Fortified Roofing of Cherry Hill NJ can assist you with any questions regarding skylights or a roof repair.

In fact, that’s precisely why so many homeowners in Cherry Hill and surrounding areas haven’t done anything about their damaged roofs in the aftermath of Sandy. There is a lot of confusion out there about whether or not homeowner’s insurance covers this kind of thing. As busy as you are, you probably just haven’t had time to find out, but Fortified Roofing can do that for you. We’ll work with your insurance company to help you deal with your damaged roof as easily as possible.

Imagine how nice it would be to have an entirely new roof installed for a fraction of the usual cost. All these years, you’ve been paying into your homeowner’s insurance policy. It’s there for a reason, and you have the right to make the most of it. If your policy covers the cost of a new roof, you will only have to pay your deductible, which could be $500 or $1,000. That’s a far cry from the approximately $10,000 that it normally costs to replace an entire roof.

Hurricane Sandy was a terrible event for many people on the East Coast. Its effects will continue to be felt for many years to come. In the meantime, you can do what it takes to undo as much of the damage as possible. By contacting Fortified Roofing and having a free assessment performed, you may be able to have a new roof installed for the cost of your deductible. You have nothing to lose, so be sure to act soon.The roofing experts at Fortified Roofing of Cherry Hill NJ can assist you with any questions regarding skylights or a roof repair.

Term & definition explained by Fortified Roofing, Cherry Hill NJ:


Pimples or bubbles that form in roofing materials. They usually develop when moisture is able to get trapped inside or beneath. Even if you don’t have missing shingles, blistering is often a sure sign of damage that can cause serious problems down the line.

Question and answer courtesy of Cherry Hill roofing contractor Fortified Roofing:

Can a handy homeowner replace his own roof?

It’s certainly been done, but it’s generally not the best idea. There are serious safety concerns, for one thing, and the work is best handled by a crew of experienced and talented workers. It should also be noted that the work is sometimes covered by insurance. Why do it yourself when you can pay a small deductible and have the job done perfectly?

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