Roofing System Components

Before choosing a roofer, homeowners should know everything that goes into a good roofing job. There is more to installing a new roof than tacking up a few shingles, and homeowners who have done their homework are more likely to be satisfied with the completed job. They also know how to ask intelligent questions of Middlesex county roofers before they select one to install their home’s new roof.

A roofer worth hiring will inspect a home’s existing roof before making any promises about what needs to be done for a new one. Some roofs have been excellently maintained, and the shingles have simply aged out and need to be replaced. Some roofs have been poorly maintained, so extensive repairs must be done before any roofing can be installed. An inspection done by a competent roofer will tell the homeowner where they stand with regard to how labor intensive the job will be. A contractor who “walks the roof” can tell much more about the roof than one who peers at it with binoculars from the ground.

Flashing is the source of many leaking roofs. Flashing can deteriorate and fail for many reasons. Often, the materials used for flashing are not rated for as long as the shingles and must be touched up every five years or so. When the flashing fails, water creeps in around vents, skylights and chimneys. Experienced roofing contractors recommend new flashing is installed on any roofing job or repair.

The roof decking usually consists of sheets of plywood applied to the rafters and covered with a water-resistant material to keep water out of the seams. If a roof has been leaking for a long period of time, the decking may have been weakened or may be rotten. Additionally, attics with poor ventilation often trap moisture that can lead to rotten decking or soffits.

The underlayment is the material that rests on top of the decking. Traditionally, it is made from tarpaper, but today’s homeowners have many choices of waterproof materials from organic to synthetic as well as underlayment that improves a home’s energy efficiency.

Attic ventilation is also an important part of a healthy roofing system. Properly ventilated attics help extend the life of the roofing materials that enclose them. When re-roofing a home, homeowners should invest in appropriate types of fans and vents to keep the attic cool and moisture free.

Roofers refer to the shingles, tile or Galvalume placed on the top of the home as “roofing material.” Which roofing material a homeowner chooses depends on their region’s weather patterns, the architectural style of the home and the type of warranty that is offered.

By understanding the different aspects of a roof installation and making wise choices accordingly, homeowners can be sure that the roof will protect their investment and their families for decades. The roofers at Fortified Roofing of Middlesex County NJ can answer your questions regarding skylights or roof repairs.

Term from the roofers at Fortified Roofing, Middlesex County NJ:


Galvalume is a highly durable construction product made of sheets of steel coated with an alloy made from aluminum and zinc. It is very versatile and can be used on roofs or made into gutters and downspouts.

Question and answer courtesy of Middlesex County roofers Fortified Roofing:

What are roofers looking for when they do an inspection?

When a contractor inspects a roof, he or she is looking for signs of wear and tear and for damage. They will be looking for deteriorated flashing and sealants. Additionally, they will look for missing or broken shingles or a spongy texture on the roof deck which could be an indication of rot.

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