The Truth About Metal Roofing

Metal roofing has evolved considerably in the past few decades and has plenty to offer homeowners who want durable, economical and good looking roofing. As manufacturers release more styles in metal roofing, some of which resemble traditional shingles and tiles, this type of material has moved into the mainstream of the residential roofing industry. A palette of coordinating color choices makes metal roofing as appealing to the home decorator as it is to the budget-conscious buyer.

When getting quotes from roofing contractors, homeowners should be sure to ask about options in metal roofing. Many Voorhees roofing contractors are experienced in installing virtually every type of material and can give interested customers a good idea of the savings represented by metal materials options.

Environmentally conscious consumers like the eco-friendly aspects of metal roofing. All products are fabricated from 30 to 60 percent recycled materials, according to the Metal Roofing Alliance. Roofers can install metal over old roofing layers, thereby reducing the volume at the local landfill. Metal roofs are so durable that they rarely require replacement during the homeowner’s life, cutting down on manufacturing emissions on roofing products.

For the budget-minded, metal roofing makes good sense. Cool pigment metal roofing is treated with a reflective coating that channels solar radiation away from the home, allowing residents to conserve on their air conditioning and energy consumption. This translates to lower power bills.

Homeowners can save on their home insurance premiums when they select metal roofing.

Underwriters give discounts for weather-resistant, high-impact metal roofing products because they have proven to protect homes better than other roof materials.

One of the myths that people still believe about metal roofing is that it attracts lightning. This is untrue. In fact, should lightning strike a metal roof, the metal would evenly disperse the damaging energy across the roof surfaces, diffusing any destructive power. A cedar or asphalt roof would catch fire while metal materials are fireproof.

Another misconception is that metal roofs rust over time. Manufacturers have long banished this possibility by applying a zinc or zinc/aluminum coating to the materials prior to painting them with a weather-resistant paint. Today’s metal roofing very rarely rusts.

Some consumers think metal would be noisy. However, when properly installed over solid decking, metal materials buffer precipitation and wind noises before they reach the ears of residents inside. Additionally, metal roofing is virtually impervious to denting and windstorms.

Styles of metal roofing systems include vertical seam panels, prepainted modular pressed panels and granular coated modular pressed panels. Pressed panel systems may mimic the look of shakes, shingles, slate or terra cotta tiles. Types of metal used in these roofing products include steel, copper, zinc, aluminum or terne.

Applied to a roof with a minimum 3-inch rise per 12 inches of surface from eaves to ridge, metal materials effectively channel rain runoff and snow loads away from the home. They prevent water and ice damage.

Metal roofing may seem more costly than other choices at first glance. However, while an asphalt shingle roof may have a lower purchase price, it could require replacement within a few years whereas metal roofing can last a lifetime. Fortified Roofing of Voorhees NJ would be happy to answer any question you have about roofing, skylight installation or roof repairs.

Term & definition explained by Fortified Roofing, Voorhees NJ:


Terne metal is an alloy composed of 50 percent zinc and 50 percent tin that roofing manufacturers use to coat steel products. It is extremely heat resistant, with a melting point of 360 degrees F.

A Voorhees roofing contractor answers a commonly asked question:

Is metal roofing a good choice in hot climates?

Metal roofing with cool pigment coating reflects sunlight back into the atmosphere, protecting the home from high temperatures. Provided that the roof is adequately vented, metal is a good option in hot climates. Metal products are a better choice than some alternatives, including asphalt shingles, for durable performance and reflective, rather than retentive, qualities.

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