
Using Virtual Reality Tools in the Roofing Business


Virtual reality has seen significant developments in recent years. Its uses can be found in a vast array of different types of businesses, as well as in our everyday lives. Virtual reality tools serve to enhance the visualization of projects and products and produce better, more accurate finished results.

Roofing is one of the areas where virtual reality has found fertile ground, and even though its usage has not yet become the standard of the industry, it is a tool that many roofers have begun to put into practice.

Virtual reality tools are bringing about many benefits and positive changes to the roofing industry, so let’s find how and what they are.

How Does Virtual Reality Work?

Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation that is created by specialized software and put into action through specific technology. The result is a three-dimensional image or environment. This environment is then accessed through special electronic helmets, goggles or gloves.

Virtual reality often gets confused with augmented reality, so it is essential to understand the difference between the two. Augmented reality is the application of a digital element to a live view. In other words, it modifies the user’s view of the real world.

For instance, roofers can use augmented reality to explain different aspects of the roof to the client by showing them a live video of the roof. It also makes it easier for the roofer to pinpoint different areas of the roof that require repair or replacement.

On the other hand, VR creates a complete immersion experience by shutting out the physical world. When a roofer uses virtual reality tools, they enter a virtual world where the products are presented, and they can then create and visualize the finished product more clearly and accurately.

VR can also allow the consumer to see a clear picture of the potential roof, the design, and how it will change over time. Roofers who make use of virtual reality decrease their chance of making expensive mistakes, and it makes it easier for them to please their clients.

Even though virtual reality in the roofing industry is still in the beginning stages, it has made a lot of progress. Virtual reality development for residential and commercial roofs, from steep slope roofs to low slope roofs, can already be seen in the roofing industry. They allow a 360° view of the virtual environment and include different hotspots. When these hotspots are touched, a voice-over is activated, and it provides explanations and details about different parts of the roof or its materials.

What Basic Tools Are Used?

The headset is the most important tool of the virtual reality kit because this is the tool that immerses the client in the virtual reality world. This device looks like a pair of goggles worn over the eyes of the user. These headsets vary in price. The more expensive ones usually need to be connected to a computer, while the cheaper ones can be used with a smartphone. A pair of headphones is generally included in the set, as well.

There are other additional accessories available for the virtual reality experience, such as controllers and treadmills, which enhance the simulated experience. The controllers translate the user’s gestures from the real world into an application used for the virtual environment, whereby the user can select a hotspot to receive more information on the roofing material on display.

How Can Virtual Reality Benefit the Roofing Industry?

Enhanced Experience

Virtual reality helps provide a better overview of different products, and it can improve the way in which the products are presented. This gives the customer a better experience, which leads to a higher profit for the roofer. Both the client and the roofer can benefit from virtual reality tools.

Instant Results

The property owners do not have to wait for the roof to be finished before they can see the final product. Instead, they can immerse themselves in the environment of the roofing system by making use of virtual reality tools. Whatever the owner wants on their property can be projected into the virtual world so that they can see the results beforehand.

What You See Is What You Get

Virtual reality cuts out the fear of commitment to a specific roof or material. A new roof is not something one wants to have buyer’s remorse about, as it is a significant investment and a long-term commitment. VR tools make the decision-making process for new roofing materials much easier, leaving the client more satisfied.

No Explanation Needed

The terminologies in the roofing industry are not always readily understandable to clients. When a roofer needs to explain the advantages and disadvantages of various roofing systems, they can make use of virtual reality tools. This allows the roofer to present their products efficiently and educate the client more clearly.

Distance Is Just a Number

No matter where the client is, virtual reality makes it possible to present the roof to the client at any time, anywhere. Whether it is an investor or a site manager, they can see the potential roof or the roofing project even if they are miles away. This can help to speed up the installation process.

Interactive Experience

Virtual reality can be used as an interactive tool because different hotspots allow users to activate descriptions and explanations if they are unclear about something. This option helps to enhance the overall experience.

Eliminates Issues

When a roofing crew goes over the virtual representation of the project they can identify potential issues or safety concerns right away before the installation begins. This can help save money and time that would have gone to waste on unnecessary mistakes.

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that virtual reality together with augmented reality is taking the world by storm, and it is safe to say they represent cutting-edge technology. It is an innovative way of doing business which can benefit the roofer and the client. Not only does virtual reality present products in a much better way, but it enhances the overall roofing process.